Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi
Department of Library & Information Science

International Conference
Sustenance and Visibility
ACADEMIC Librarianship in the 21st Century
Skill Enhancement in the context of NEP 2020
June 19-21, 2023
Gulbarga University

International Conference
The origin of librarianship lies in the creation of libraries and the profession was created to serve the needs of the institution and its clientele. Librarianship is a noble and thriving profession, although faced with challenges as a result of the electronic transformation of professional life. It is a profession facing a crisis of identity as a result of the changing nature of Information and Communication Technologies, including the access to electronic resources, the altering scholarly publishing paradigm, and the abundance of free, although often unfiltered, information via the world wide web. Considering that LIS is an evolving and hybrid field, it is appropriate to examine and visualize the dimensions of librarianship from various disciplinary perspectives. The elements of professionalism within librarianship are need to be addressed focusing upon challenges to informational asymmetry and the perception of professional value. Keeping these aspects of Librarianship, an International Conference has been planned to provide an academic platform to discuss, debate and deliberate the changing dimensions of Librarianship as a profession and to visualize or envisage the future of the profession in the 21st Century.

Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Bhavan
Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi, Karnataka
Gulbarga University was established in 1980 by an Act of Karnataka State in sprawling campus of 860 acres offering Masters, Doctoral and PG Diploma course in 37 departments. The Department was established in 1979-80 as part of Post Graduate Center, Gulbarga, Karnatak University, Dharwad. Later when the PG Center, Gulbarga was raised to an Independent University on 10th September 1980, the Post Graduate Department formed part of Gulbarga University, Gulbarga. The Department started one year BLISc course in 1979-80. Master of Library and Information Science (MLISc) of one-year duration was started during 1985-86, Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in Library and Information Science program of one year (Full Time) or twenty-two months (Part Time) was introduced in 1988. The Doctoral (Ph.D.) program in Library and Information Science is in force since the beginning. It was during 1997-98, the Department introduced Two Year's Integrated MLISc program (Annual Scheme) in place of one year BLISc and one year MLISc. Later, MLISc course of two years under Semester was introduced in the academic year 2003-04. MLISc program under Semester cum CBCS and CAGP was introduced from 2010-11 onwards.

Organised By

Chief Patron & Patrons
Chief Patron
Prof. Dayanand Agasar
Vice Chancellor, GUK

Dr. B. Sharanappa
Registrar, GUK.

Prof. M. P. Singh
SLA (Asia)

Dr Satishkumar H. Director, Dept of Public Libraries,GoK
Te Paea Paringatai IFLA Chair
New Zealand


Proud to bring inspirational speakers from across the globe

Contact Us
Mr. Ajayakumar - 9880160042
Sri G. Ramayya - 9845838376
Dr. Malavika G. Bhat - 6363498773
Dr. Savitri Krishna - 9902232319
Smt. Basamma - 7975490832
Dr. Amoji D.S. - 9986347643
Dr. Aravind B. - 9740477545
Dr. Kaveri Kamble - 7204976054
Dr. Parmanand - 9844116650
Dr. Ambaraya Malage - 9964157343
Dr. Raghvendra B. - 9845317939
Mr. Maruti D. - 9480377440
Dr. Rajashree - 8095232564
Dr. Vinodkumar H. - 9740813482
Mr. Deepak Goud - 9036378169
Dr. Seema Alur - 9986130390
Dr. Shilpa Uploankar - 9482891519
Dr. Rakesh - 9891940750
Dr.Prakash Wagmore - 9900443390
Dr. Santosh Harwal - 9880241024
Mr. Nagraj Devathkal - 9844755525
Dr. Yallappa Gonwar - 9902092873
Ms. Laxmi Kattimani - 7892563313
Mr.Basavaraj Malipatil - 9036500390
Dr. Pranesh Moolbharati - 9739266682
Dr. Dakulge Mehtab - 9482147109
Dr. Vijaykumar B - 9901407956
Dr Rajkumar T - 9632641408
Dr. Danappa Vaggi - 9342332466
Dr. Rajkumar V - 9740465385
Dr. Shoukat Ali - 9886508975
Mr. Lokesh Mavin - 9611471989
Ms. Maremma - 9844953745
Dr. Yeknath Kamble - 9964492711
Mr. Shivsharanappa D.B. - 9035800150
Mr. Shivling Savalgi - 7760226506